BBQ Pig Shots

BBQ Pig Shots

It's an ultimate BBQ Classic and if this website with hundreds of recipes would skip this recipe than it wasn't a true BBQ website. This is what makes BBQ great, You take a simple idea and turn it into a crazy delicious, cheesy BBQ bite that conquers the world. This is the recipe that you need to try!

Let me show you what this recipe is all about.

You can find the full instructional video at the end of this page.


How to

  1. Slice up a 280 grams or 10 oz of boudain (rookworst) sausage.
  2. Roll around thick slices of bacon and slice of any access bacon to make it fit.
  3. Stick a toothpick trough the bacon and sausage slice.
  4. Grab a big bowl and add 300 grams or 10.5 oz of cream cheese.
  5. Add 150 grams or 5.2 oz of shredded young Gouda cheese.
  6. Add 2 tbsp of PitmasterX's Classic BBQ Rub.
  7. Add 1 tbsp of chopped pickled jalapenos.
  8. Mix it up and put it in a ziplock bag.
  9. Slice of a corner and push out the cheese to fill up your empty bacon shells with cheese.
  10. Fire up your smoker and set the temperature to 120°C or 250°F.
  11. Place the pigshots on the grill grate and let it smoke until the bacon is cooked trough and the cheese popped up.
  12. Create 400 ml or 1.7 cups of PitmasterX's Sweet Apple BBQ Sauce according to it's recipe.
  13. Brush our squeeze on the BBQ sauce on each and every individual pig shot until they are completely covered.
  14. Let it remain smoking on the BBQ for another 5 minutes to make the sauce stick.
  15. Serve it on a plate and remove the toothpick.

Watch full video

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