Stuffed & Smoked Tomato

Stuffed & Smoked Tomato

Are you looking for a delicious vegetarian dish, then you should try these smoked stuffed tomatoes on the BBQ. The combination of juicy tomatoes and the smoky flavor make for a perfect side dish.

Let me show you what this recipe is all about.

You can find the full instructional video at the end of this page.


  • 1 courgette

  • 1 red bell pepper

  • 1 white onion

  • 1 glove garlic

  • 1 tsp finishing salt

  • 1 tsp ground pepper


Thanks to Napoleon Grills for sponsoring this recipe Visit their website to learn more.

How to

  1. Slice off the tops of the tomatoes.
  2. Scoop out the inner part of the tomatoes.
  3. Proceed to chop all the vegetables: courgette, red bell pepper, white onions and the garlic.
  4. Heat a pan and use double the amount of olive oil typically used.
  5. Start by frying the onion and garlic until they become soft, then add the remaining ingredients.
  6. Season the mixture with salt and pepper. 
  7. Once the mixture is ready, stuff it inside the hollowed tomatoes.
  8. Add a piece of beech wood to your barbecue. Place the tomatoes on top of the wood.
  9. Let the tomatoes smoke for approximately 5 to 10 minutes, maintaining a medium BBQ temperature in a smokey chamber.
  10. After the designated time, your tomato side dish will be ready.

Watch full video

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