Stuffed Venison Roast

Stuffed Venison Roast

Prepare to embark on an extraordinary culinary journey! This recipe offers an exquisite taste experience, showcasing a flawless fusion of venison roast and an irresistible medley of tantalizing ingredients. The result is a harmonious blend that will leave your taste buds craving for more.

Let me show you what this recipe is all about.

You can find the full instructional video at the end of this page.


  • 2 racks of 900 grams / 32 ounces each venison rack

  • ½ tbsp finishing salt

  • ¼ tbsp black pepper

Reduction sauce

  • 60 grams / 2 oz butter

  • 1 white onion

  • 1 glove garlic

  • 125 ml / ½ cups red wine

  • 1 bay leaf

  • 2 cloves

  • 4 pepper corns

  • 100 ml / 0.4 cups chicken stock

  • 200 ml / 0.8 cups beef fond

  • 1 tsp finishing salt

  • 1 tsp black pepper


Thanks to Napoleon Grills for sponsoring this recipe Visit their website to learn more.

How to

  1. Begin by generously seasoning the rack with finishing salt and black pepper. 
  2. Prepare the cranberry stuffing.
  3. Lay 4 to 5 long pieces of butcher twine on a cutting board.
  4. Place the two racks side by side on the table, with the bones sticking out and laying flat.
    Position the prepared stuffing on top of the racks and fold them towards each other, ensuring that the ribs cross at the end.
  5. Tightly tie the racks together using the butcher twine, adding additional knots if desired for a more secure hold.
  6. Set up your BBQ for medium heat using long-lasting charcoal, preferably briquettes for a longer-lasting fuel source.
  7. Smoke the racks for 1½ hours at a temperature of 140°C or 275°F, or until the internal temperature reaches 54°C or 130°F.
  8. Slice the roast in half and drizzle the reduction sauce over the bones for an elegant presentation.

For the reduction sauce:

  1. Melt a stick of butter in a pan.
  2. Sauté the garlic and onion in the melted butter.
  3. Add 1 glass of red wine to the pan.
  4. Allow the mixture to boil until it almost evaporates.
  5. Introduce a bay leaf, cloves, pepper corns, chicken stock and the beef fond to the pan, and let it reduce by half.
  6. Finish the sauce with finishing salt and pepper to taste, then strain it through a sieve.


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